Court Filings and OSINT

With the work we do in OSINT, court filings are a treasure trove of information. We want to give some examples of how we’ve used them and other interesting things you can glean from records.

We’ve used court filings to help a client decide if it was worth the risk to bring in someone who wanted to invest in their business. An existing filing by a federal agency, where the ink was barely dry, put a stop to things going forward. The client was grateful because if they brought this investor onboard it could have ruined the business.

Court filings were also a springboard to discovering hidden assets for one of our attorney clients. This was one of favorite OSINT adventures. 

Next let’s look at some of the information you may come across.

Court transcripts and other exhibits can help establish relationships between different parties, help establish the existence of various types of accounts someone holds, and find technical data that might be useful in research that you’re doing.

When you do start exploring, be prepared to go through a maze of court systems depending on the State you’re looking for stuff.

Lastly, if you need help with this kind of stuff, use the contact form below to send us a message. If you’re a law firm, also reach out to learn about how we can assist with your litigation needs.

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Please fill out the form below, or call 203.828.0012, to learn how Bsquared Intel can assist you.
