Unveiling Our Web Digital Literacy Course

Happy (almost) National Cybersecurity Awareness Month! I am unveiling Bsquared Intel’s Web Digital Literacy course. This is a preview of what’s to come in the next couple of weeks, as I’m working diligently to wrap up things up and get this course out to you.

The idea for this class started at the beginning of this year, as I began fleshing out ideas. The market is already flooded with Cybersecurity Awareness training classes, so I took a different path that adds some of the awareness training pertaining to phishing, but it also covers core skills everyone needs to know in this digital age.

What this course covers

This course has 4 “modules” as I call them, so you can take them individually or I bundled all of them together to create the full Web Digital Literacy course. This way if you already meet the prerequisites and know some of the content, you can pick and choose. On the other hand, if you want to immerse yourself into the course, you have the option to take the full Web Digital Literacy class.


The image is of a web browser. The text at the top reads "Parts of a Web Browser + What is a URL?" There is also a url that says example.com. In the bottom right corner isThe first module is about web browsers and URLs. This is your starting point to get you ready for the other modules. You’ll learn about important parts of the web browser and how to break down a URL.






The title on top says "Search Engines." In the middle is a search bar with the query "funny cats." In the bottom right corner of the picture is Bsquared Intel's logoThe second module you’ll really start getting into the hands on stuff as we begin our exploration of search engines and search queries. The latter of which also teaches you how to use the skills taught to find and verify information. This module also prepares you for the third one.





The title at the top of the picture saya "Website Analysis" The picture in the middle is two scientists in a lab in full PPE. One, a woman, is looking into a microscope. In a speech bubble she says "I'm in the 'About' section, Sir." The bottom right corner of the picture is Bsquared Intel's logo.The third module teaches you about various parts of a website, why these parts are important, and how to pick things apart. This is where this class builds on the first two modules. You will also learn about phishing, misinformation, disinformation, and malinformation. Since the last three terms entered our collective vocabulary recently, it’s a threat to Information Security at the personal level and business level. It has financial consequences and legal consequences. I’ve been involved in cases involving harmful fake reviews for a business and the party that made them lost. This module helps give you the knowledge on how to break things down.



The title at the top of the picture says "Basic Photo Research Techniques" The picture in the middle is two scientists in a lab in full PPE. One, a woman, is looking into a microscope. In a speech bubble she says "Sir, the same pic shows up on 5 separate sites." The bottom right corner of the picture is Bsquared Intel's logo.The fourth, and last, module teaches you the basics of researching photos and why this is important in relation to the media you consume online.





Each class has a quiz or two to take. The full Web Digital Literacy course has multiple.

You also have the option to book one-to-one time with me if you need help with something that you’re stuck on with the course or if you want to learn the content at a deeper level.

Who this is for

The content is for the general population. It’s for you, your friends, your loved ones, or your family that want to better understand what’s coming across the screen.

Your next steps

While I’m buttoning things up over here, your next steps are to:

  • Sign up for our newsletter by click the link. An announcement will be sent there with the class is out.
  • Also follow on our socials here(Facebook) and here(LinkedIn) in order to get the announcement when the online class drops.
  • Share this article with those you know in your life that you feel would benefit from this online course.


The course is available at https://bsquaredintel.com/training-education/

I look forward to sharing this online course with you.
